In-depth resources for
understanding Bitcoin and cryptocurrency
We've put together a collection of great articles and videos to help explain Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in a way that anyone can understand. Whether you're looking to learn about cryptocurrency before deciding which one to invest in, or you just want to brush up on your crypto slang, diving into the resources below will put you on the path to a better understanding of crypto so you can take the reigns on your financial future.
Editor’s Choice

Crypto Round-Up: - Celebrity Apes, Metaverse Frenzy, Bans, regulations and more bans.
January 2022 didn't come with all the action a lot of us expected to see in the Crypto space. Although this doesn't mean that nothing interesting happened, on the contrary, the Cry[to market has somehow managed to hold everyone’s attention despite everything.
The highlights are here and it’s a razzle-dazzle of brands joining the metaverse, Disney’s Technology trademark filing, Celeb NFT frenzy, Russia’s Crypto bans and regulation laws.

Patricia Technologies Goes Live with Over The Counter Trades
You can now get instant bulk liquidity for all your Cryto trades.

Is Web 3 really the future? Web evolution, insights and what to expect.
This article would not be possible without web 2.0, which gave rise to the internet and allowed users to interact with data. This technology has facilitated the sharing of information and brought people together.
Web 3, which is still in development, promises even more advances in this area. Startups are raising millions of dollars every day to get in early and take advantage of this revolutionary technology.

Cryptocurrencies That Sound Like Superheroes Own Them
A relative explanation of cryptography and encryption techniques using everyday situations.

First 3 Things You Should Know Before Getting Into Crypto
Sage Advice for first-timers testing the Crypto waters!
Webinar: Investing in Cryto
Is Web 3 really the future? Web evolution, insights and what to expect.
This article would not be possible without web 2.0, which gave rise to the internet and allowed users to interact with data. This technology has facilitated the sharing of information and brought people together.
Web 3, which is still in development, promises even more advances in this area. Startups are raising millions of dollars every day to get in early and take advantage of this revolutionary technology.
Crypto 101
We've put together a collection of great articles and videos to help explain Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Understanding Cryptography In Sixty Seconds.
A relative explanation of cryptography and encryption techniques using everyday situations.

What Are Bitcoin Atms?
Ever since Bitcoin and ultimately cryptocurrencies hit the limelight circa 2010. Cryptocurrencies have to continue to prove that they are here to disrupt the familiar traditional money systems. One of such innovative steps is the Bitcoin ATM

What are Bitcoin transactions and how do they work?
Bitcoin (BTC) is one of the popular cryptocurrencies out there and is identified as a chain of digital signatures that functions as a peer-to-peer electronic currency.

What Is Proof Of Work?
Proof of Work is a system for securing transactions before adding them to blocks on a cryptocurrency network.

A beginner's Guide to Swing-trading

What is a cryptocurrency?

What Is A Reserve Asset?
A reserve asset is an asset held by a government monetary authority and for which there is an international demand.

All about USDC
A look into the functionality of the Programmable Dollar.

All you need to know about Bitcoin halving.
Since the last Bitcoin halving event in May of 2020, you may have heard the last Bitcoin will be mined by approximately the year 2140. You may wonder why it would take that long to mine all 21million coins if over 18 million coins are currently in circulation.

A Brief History on Tether.

Proof Of Work VS Proof Of Stake.

First 3 Things You Should Know Before Getting Into Crypto
Sage Advice for first-timers testing the Crypto waters!

What are smart contracts?

As the world over continues to explore the possibilities that lie in Blockchain Technology. we take a look at the future that awaits the Creative Economy.

Why Bitcoin Has A Limited Supply.
understand the basics of Bitcoin's capped supply.

Altcoins: Everything you need to know.

Bitcoin Trading VS Mining.

Key Women Breaking The Crypto-bias.

Bitcoin VS Ethereum.

Ripple Vs Bitcoin

Blockchain & the banking sector

Ethereum Merge- All you need to know

What Makes a Blockchain Secure?

A Brief History Of Dogecoin.
Learn the Origin, early use cases, founder of the most viral meme coin yet.

What Is A Blockchain?
Explore the complex build of a Blockchain in bare terms

What is a Centralized Ledger?
Learn the basic features of a Centralized Ledger.

Introduction to Soul bound Tokens: A New Era in Digital Collectibles

Taking Down the Barriers to Cryptocurrency: Why Adoption Requires Education.
Cryptocurrencies have been around for more than a decade, yet many people still don't understand how they function or why they are important. This why education plays a key role in driving cryptocurrency adoption.

Borderless Bitcoin: One More Reason to Bother Less
Money Gist

A Beginner’s Guide To Buying Bitcoin.
Although, the options available to purchase Bitcoins and other assets do differ from one country to another due to the laws that exchanges operate under. The options to buy Bitcoin with credit cards, debit cards, or transfers from a bank account also differ from country to country and between exchanges.

Cryptocurrencies That Sound Like Superheroes Own Them
A relative explanation of cryptography and encryption techniques using everyday situations.

Five cryptocurrencies to own in 2021.
The majority of 2020 was very kind to the cryptocurrency sector, unlike the years before, when considerable gains were rarely seen and prices typically kept dropping. The global pandemic, lockdowns, and the fear of a global recession caused more and more institutional investors to flee towards cryptocurrencies as a possible alternative to traditional financial assets or a hedge against the major economic threats.

A Beginner's Guide to Dollar Cost Averaging.
A look into the basics of the dollar cost averaging method.

What is A Fiat Currency?