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How to add wallet
How to swap your PUTX
Why Patricia Token?
What is the timeline for retrieving the full value of Patricia tokens and converting my assets to cash?
Can I opt out of converting my assets to Patricia token?
Can I purchase Patricia Token with other assets?
How is Patricia Token managed?
Will the Patricia Token ever get to zero?
How can I have access to my Patricia Token wallet?
What can I do with my Patricia Token?
What happens if I keep my Patricia Token in my wallet?
What happens to other assets? Will subsequent Crypto assets be converted to Patricia tokens?
Are we the first to issue tokens to compensate for losses?
Were customers informed about Patricia Token?
When Can I Make Use of Patricia Tokens?
Will subsequent BTC assets be converted to Patricia Token?
What rate is used to convert my assets to Patricia Token.
Which of my assets are converted to Patricia Token?
Can I withdraw my Patricia Token for Naira?
Is my Patricia Token(PUTX) a stable token, or influenced by the general market (dollar) rate?